Recruiting & Managing Gen Z In The Workplace
Every generation of professionals brings something a little different to the workplace. Although each individual is different and brings his or her contributions and personality into the office, there are always some broad trends that people from a certain age group tend to have in common that make them stand apart from other generations. This means businesses constantly need to adapt to the new conditions these young people bring with them.
This is true even at this moment, as Generation Z begins to make its presence felt in the business world. In order to successfully recruit and manage the current crop of budding professionals, workplaces need to be equipped to meet Generation Z’s workplace expectations. Here are some of the most common changes these employees are affecting in modern offices:
Technological Tools
One of the most important characteristics brought by Gen Z in the workplace is their tech savvy. This is a generation essentially raised in a high-tech environment. The Internet is nothing new to them — they’ve spent almost their entire lives being informed and shaped by it. This means they want the workplace to be plugged into the latest developments, whether it’s using social media for internal communications or giving them multiple devices.
They also expect to have a wealth of internal resources available through your network. If they can’t find the answer to a question or guidance for a task right away, they may become frustrated and dissatisfied with their jobs.
Diversity and Inclusion
This generation of professionals is defined in large part by a desire to be part of the solution when it comes to diversity and social justice. Fairness and equality in all aspects of a company’s actions matter a great deal to them. That means companies need to take a long, hard look at the makeup of their workforce, the types of charitable activities they engage in and their overall corporate values.
If fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment is not a high priority, businesses may find it much more challenging to attract and retain the best and brightest of this younger demographic.
Down to Business
Much has been made over the last decade or so about creating offices that don’t feel like the cubicle farms of the past. Tech companies in particular grabbed headlines with open floorplans, bean bags instead of deck chairs and perks such as pinball machines and yoga studios. Although Millennials may have been blown away by these features, Gen Z-ers entered the workforce looking for stability and respect, first and foremost.
This means they might appreciate a laid-back working environment, but they won’t stick around if they sense they’re not being appreciated. Companies that want to hire Gen Z professionals should be sure to offer competitive benefits packages including health insurance. They also should pay close attention to their managerial styles. Young employees are much less likely to keep working for managers who take advantage of them or treat them unfairly.
Offering Some Privacy
The move to an open-plan office may have created more opportunities for collaboration, but it can make some Generation Z employees uncomfortable. In general, they are more likely than their older counterparts to take their mental health seriously, which means they will want some alone time now and then to concentrate on their work. Because that quiet time may not be possible while sharing a desk space with co-workers, it’s important for modern offices to include some break-out spaces that provide some solitude.
One of the best ways to do that is to install private phone booths made by Pillar Designs. These provide a comfortable, quiet area for employees to take an important call or work without distractions. Because they are easy to install and can fit virtually anywhere, these booths are a great way to create an island of isolation in even the most hectic workspace.
Satisfied workers are productive workers — no matter how old they are. If your business wants to take full advantage of everything that Generation Z has to offer, it’s important to remember what most of them are looking for when they hit the job market.